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Build SSL certificate auto-renewal for Jenkins

So I try to build an auto-renewal flow to relief myself. The approach is pretty straightforward: use to auto-renew the SSL cert periodically, and an in-house script to do the jobs after SSL cert renewed (if any).


Many web services/apps have the function auto-renewing the SSL certificate (usually based on Unfortunately the local Jenkins server we have in our office for iOS building doesn’t support that. Currently we use a free SSL cert from ZeroSSL, which is a 90-days SSL. Every 90 days the admin need to

  1. Renew the cert from ZeroSSL website
  2. Download the cert fiels and
  3. Convert and apply it to the Jenkins service.

Which is very annoying.


So I try to build an auto-renewal flow to relief myself. The approach is pretty straightforward: use to auto-renew the SSL cert periodically, and an in-house script to do the jobs after SSL cert renewed (if any).

Both of and are configured to run daily in cron ( supports cron itself).

Configure is a popular tool and has tons of articles discussing about it. No need to introduce every needy-greedy details here. I will list a few pitfalls or notes:

  1. If you don’t want to (or cannot) deal with the domain validation step with the server directly like me, it’s necessary to configure for dnsapi and corresponding environments. e.g. I use AWS route53 to manage DNS record so I have to add env vars like AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. For enterprices use, also remember to create a limited policy and account for this certain usage, and use the credential of this account.
  2. On MacOS, it’s necessary to specify OpenSSL bin. Otherwise a system default LibrSSL will be used and can cause some wierd issues.
  3. The execution enviroment of crontab may not be the same as the shell you use. Add SEHLL=/bin/bash to guarantee the command in crontab can be run correctly. The whole crontab file looks like:

    43 0 * * * "/Users/xxx/"/ --cron --home "/Users/xxx/"
  4. The errors in crontab execution beyond a single task are difficult to be found. But usually they will be recorded in the email (crontab sends email report for each running). Even the email receiver doesn’t exist, there will be a log file containing the email content. The dir may vary. Check /var/mail or /var/log/mail.

The script checking cert update

Each time the SSL cert files are updated, they will be stored in a folder under the working dir. The dir is named after the domain. It contains a bunch of cert files and key files (in different format).

➜ ll
total 88
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   4.3K Jul 14 00:44 ca.cer
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   6.5K Jul 14 00:44 fullchain.cer
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   2.2K Jul 14 00:44
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   577B Jul 14 00:44
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   1.0K Jul 14 00:43
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff   187B Jul 14 00:43
-rw-------  1 me  staff   1.6K Oct 17  2022
-rw-------  1 me  staff   6.3K Jul 14 01:43

I create a script doing these jobs:

  1. Compare the MD5 checksum of the cert file under working dir, if not changed then do nothing.
  2. Export pkcs format file from renewed cert files and private key, through --toPkcs.
  3. Use keytool to import the key store for Jenkins.
  4. Restart Jenkins service through brew services.

The details are included in

Follow instruction of this repo to install. But simply speaking, you only need to 1) put the py script to a working dir, 2) duplicate into and config everything in it, then 3) add crontab line:

43 1 * * * "/Users/me/inhouse-auto-certs"/

Some notes/pitfalls:

  • The starting options of Homebrew managed Jenkins can be found and updated in /usr/local/Cellar/jenkins/2.xx/homebrew.mxcl.jenkins.plist. If you found brew services restart jenkins not working.
  • Specify absolute path of the directories and the bins, to minimize the chance of problems.
Written on October 20, 2022